Specialty yeast selected for the production of wheat beers having neutral fruity flavors with specific phenolic character (clove and peppery notes). Yeast that doesn’t completely ferment maltotriose giving some mouthfeel to the beer. Yeast having a medium sedimentation forms no clumps but a powdery haze when resuspended in the beer.
Ingredients:Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae POF+), Emulsifier: sorbitan monostearate (E/INS 491)
SafAle™ BW-20 概述
SafAle™ BW-20 技术特点
50 to 80 g/hL (0.07 – 0.11 oz/gal) at ideally 18°C – 26°C (64.4°F – 78.8°F).
① Direct pitching:
Pitch the yeast directly in the fermentation vessel on the surface of the wort at or above the fermentation temperature.
Progressively sprinkle the dry yeast into the wort ensuring the yeast covers all the surface of wort available to avoid clumps.
Ideally, the yeast will be added during the first part of the filling of the vessel; in which case hydration can be done at wort temperature higher than fermentation temperature, the fermenter being then filled with wort at lower temperature to bring the entire wort temperature at fermentation temperature.
② With prior rehydration:
Alternatively, sprinkle the yeast in minimum 10 times its weight of sterile water or boiled and hopped wort at 25 to 29°C (77°F to 84°F).
Leave to rest 15 to 30 minutes, gently stir and pitch the resultant cream into the fermentation vessel.
- 活酵母:> 1.0 *10 10 cfu/克
- 纯度:> 99.999%
- 乳酸菌:< 1 cfu /107 酵母细胞
- 醋酸菌:< 1 cfu /107 酵母细胞
- 片球菌:< 1 cfu /107 酵母细胞
- 总细菌数:< 5 cfu /107 酵母细胞
- “野生”酵母2 : < 1 cfu /107酵母细胞
- 致病微生物:按照规定
1根据我们的 HACCP 研究进行分析
2 EBC Analytica 4.2.6 – ASBC 微生物控制-5D
产品必须在干燥条件下储存/运输,并避免阳光直射。在少于 6 个月的时间内,产品可以在低于 25°C (77°F) 的环境温度下存储/运输,而不会影响其性能。在有限时间内(少于 5 天),允许峰值温度达到 40°C (104°F)。一旦产品到达最终目的地,Fermentis 建议在受控温度下(低于 15°C/59°F)进行长期储存。
自生产之日起36个月。请参阅小袋上印刷的“最佳保质日期”。打开的小袋必须密封并储存在 4°C (39°F) 或更低的温度下,并在打开后 7 天内使用。请勿使用不真空或破损的小袋。
每种 Fermentis 酵母都是在特定的生产方案下开发的,并受益于酵母制造领域世界领先的 Lesaffre 集团的专业技术。这保证了微生物最高的纯度和最大的发酵活性。
Fermentis 酿酒干酵母因其能够生产多种类型的啤酒而闻名。为了比较我们的菌株,我们在实验室条件下对所有菌株使用标准麦芽汁和标准温度条件进行了发酵试验(SafLager™:12°C/53.6°F,持续 48 小时,然后 14°C/57.2°F – SafAle™:20°C/68°F)。考虑到酵母对最终啤酒质量的影响,我们建议遵守规定的发酵说明。我们强烈建议用户在对我们的产品进行任何商业用途之前进行发酵试验。