Showing all 11 results
SafAle™ BW‑20
The ideal wheat beer yeast for Belgian-style whites
SafAle™ W-68
A historical yeast for German-style wheat beers
SafAle™ F‑2
Designed for bottle and cask conditioning
SafAle™ BE‑256
The champion yeast for Strong ales
SafAle™ S‑04
The ideal yeast for English & American ales, with balanced fruity notes
SafAle™ K‑97
Beer yeast for delicate and hopped beers
SafAle™ T‑58
The right phenolic yeast for English & Belgian-style ales
SafAle™ WB‑06
The perfect solution for wheat base beers
SafAle™ US‑05
The all-road neutral ale yeast
SafAle™ S‑33
Ideal yeast to enhance hoppy and fruity expressions of your ale beers
SafAle™ BE‑134
Ideal for dry and spicy Belgian-style beers, like Saisons