Showing all 9 results
SafAle™ BE‑256
The champion yeast for Strong ales
SafCider™ AC‑4 BIO
The organic version of SafCider™ AC-4
SafŒno™ UCLM S325
For optimal varietal expression and sweet wines
SafŒno™ UCLM S377
For long ageing and fruity red wines
SafŒno™ STG S101
For intensely fruity primeur red wines and rosés
SafCider™ TF‑6
To maximize the fruitiness of your cider
SafCider™ AC‑4
Ideal to produce fresh and crisp cider
SafCider™ AS‑2
To bring sweetness and complexity to your cider
SafCider™ AB‑1
The right choice for balanced ciders