Disponible en conditionnement de 500g.



SpringCell™ Color has been specifically developed to act on the intensity and the stability of color as well as on the roundness of red wines on the long term. It contains twice more polysaccharides than basic inactivated yeast.

SpringCell™ Color has proven its qualitative impact on primeur red wines as well as on high quality long-ageing red wines.

SPRINGCELL™ Color - Caractéristiques techniques

SpringCell™ Color is suitable for:
– The elaboration of intense and round red wines
– Long maceration musts or musts that have undergone a too strong extraction (softening of green tannins)
– Wines processed with thermo vinifications
– Wines from highly tannic and colored cultivars
– Musts poor in anthocyanins


Increase of the color intensity : thanks to a better composition in tannins and anthocyanins of the wine after treatment (increase of the OD520 & OD280 and of the quantity of anthocyanins).
Stabilization of color: The polysaccharides help the stabilization of the tannin-anthocyanin complexes and allow the reduction of the free anthocyanins rate.


Significant softening of the most astringent tannins thanks to the coating action of the polysaccharides on the green tannins (decrease of the gelatin rate)

Nutrition, side effect

Supply of organic nitrogen during the fermentation under the form of amino acids which are quickly assimilated by the yeast.
Supply of survival factors (ergosterols, fatty acids) to guarantee the end of fermentation thanks to its composition in SpringCell yeast cell walls.


20 to 30g/hl of SpringCell™ Color must be incorporated just before the inoculation of yeasts to play its functional role as well as its role of support element, diluted in ten times its volume of wine or water.

Warning: SpringCell™ Color contains yeast hulls subjected to usage legal limit of 40g/hl according to the European legislation that must be taken into account for eventual extra supplies. In case of difficult fermentation, SpringCell yeast hulls can also be added within 10-20g/hl between third and mid-fermentation (density 1,050-1,040). For all other usage, contact Fermentis.

Think of checking eventual limits applicable in your country while taking into account your own product usage conditions.


Dry matter > 94%
Total nitrogen 4-6%
Total carbohydrates 42-46%
Among which polysaccharides 39-43%
Lipids 11-15%
Mineral matters 4-8%


1 bag of 10 kg
Carton of 20 vacuum-packed sachets of 500 g each (Full box net weight: 10 kg).


Fermentis® guarantees an optimum storage of this product during 3 years in its original packaging at a temperature of maximum 20°C and in a dry place.

Fermentis® guarantees the product complies with the International Oenological Codex until its Best Before End Date in the storage conditions mentioned above.

Fermentis® fermentation aids and functional products are exclusively produced from natural yeast products. The Know-how of the Lesaffre group guarantees end users, high performing products as required by modern oenological applications.

Les données contenues dans cette fiche technique sont la transcription exacte de notre connaissance du produit à la date mentionnée. Ils sont la propriété exclusive de Fermentis-Division de S.I. Lesaffre. Il est de la responsabilité de l'utilisateur de s'assurer que l'utilisation de ce produit particulier est conforme à la législation.

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