Disponible en conditionnement de 125 g et 1 kg.


Ce produit est E2U™

Qu'est-ce que cela signifie?


Exclusively from yeast origin, the yeast protein extract Spring’Finer™ is allergen free and can be considered as the sole fining agent totally integrated in wine elaboration.

→ For Premium red and white wines, notably aged in barrels, to refine them before bottling.

→ For strongly pressed must and wines, in order to remove the most astringent tannins.

SPRING'FINER™ - Caractéristiques techniques

The modern oenology must adapt to new demands on consumers safety, notably on the presence of allergenic substances in the oenological products used by winemakers.

As a consequence, current usage of products derived from eggs and milk as protein fining agents, especially egg albumen and casein, is particularly controlled and can be subjected to a specific labeling according to the European Regulation (EU) n°579/2012.

In this scope, Fermentis, in collaboration with the company Sofralab, developed a unique industrial process allowing the extraction and the preservation of native proteins from a specifically selected Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain whose fining capabilities are remarkable.

Wine clarification

Contrary to yeast extracts coming from yeast autolysis process at high amino acids and small peptides content, Spring’Finer™ contains high molecular weight proteins (>15kDa) whose clarifying capabilities towards cloudy particles and colloids present in the wines are totally similar to other protein fining agents.

Astringency and bitterness decrease

Spring’Finer™ specifically precipitates the most astringent and bitter tannins while preserving wine structure, thus decreasing their harshness and improving their organoleptic quality.

Stabilization towards oxidation

Spring’Finer™ removes oxidable polyphenols, thus contributes to stabilize treated wines against browning.

No protein destabilization

Even if Spring’Finer™ is based on yeast proteins, it doesn’t provoke any protein destabilization of the wines.

Limited loss of wine

After fining stage, the lees obtained by the use of Spring’Finer™ are thick and compact, thus allowing decreasing the loss of racked wine and enhancing its added value.


Musts: 5 -20 g/hl (legal limit 30g/hl)

Red wines: 5-15 g/hl (legal limit 60g/hl)

White and rosé wines: 1-5 g/hl (legal limit 30g/hl)

Pour Spring’Finer™ in 10 times its weight of water (never in wine) at 10-20°C maximum. Wait for complete dissolution, stir and incorporate the obtained solution directly into the wine through an adequate connector. Homogenize the wine through a pumping over without aeration.

Warning: Yeast protein extracts are subjected to usage limit of 30 to 60g/hl according to the European legislation. See here above mentioned limits.


Yeast Protein Extract. NON GMO and NON ALLERGEN.


Carton of 24 vacuum-packed sachets of 125g each (Full box net weight: 3 kg).


Fermentis® guarantees an optimum storage of this product during 3 years in its original packaging at a temperature of maximum 20°C and in a dry place.

Fermentis® guarantees the product complies with the International Oenological Codex until its Best Before End Date in the storage conditions mentioned above.

Fermentis® fermentation aids and functional products are exclusively produced from natural yeast products. The Know-how of the Lesaffre group guarantees end users, high performing products as required by modern oenological applications.

The data contained in this technical sheet are the exact transcription of our knowledge of the product at the mentioned date. They are the exclusive property of Fermentis-Division of S.I.Lesaffre. It is of the user responsibility to make sure that the usage of this particular product complies with the legislation.

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